JAMB Subject Combination for all Courses (Updated)

JAMB Subject Combination for all Courses (Updated)
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JAMB Subject Combination for All Courses 2024/2025: If you’re searching for the correct JAMB subject combination for your desired course in the 2024/2025 academic session, this guide is exactly what you need. It details the exact subjects you should write in JAMB based on the course you want to study in Nigerian universities.

JAMB Subject Combinations for Sciences:

1. Medicine and Surgery

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

2. Agricultural Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

3. Computer Science

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics, or Geography

4. Biochemistry

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

5. Biological Sciences

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and either Physics or Mathematics

6. Physics

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and either Chemistry or Biology

7. Mathematics

Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology, or Agric Science

8. Chemistry

Use of English, Chemistry, and two of Physics, Biology, or Mathematics

9. Nursing

Use of English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry

10. Food Science and Technology

Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics, and Agric Science

11. Pharmacy

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

12. Industrial Chemistry

Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics, and any of Physics, Biology, or Agricultural Science

13. Fisheries

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, and any other Science subject

14. Geology

Use of English, and any three of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, or Geography

15. Geography

Use of English, Geography, and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Agricultural Science

16. Surveying and Geo Informatics

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, or Economics

17. Statistics

Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, or Economics

18. Building

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, or Economics

19. Microbiology

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and either Physics or Mathematics

20. Botany

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and any other Science subject

21. Zoology

Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, or Mathematics

22. Pure and Applied Mathematics

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and either Biology, Agric Science, Chemistry, or Geography

23. Agriculture

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture, and one of Physics or Mathematics

24. Agricultural Economics

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, and Mathematics

25. Agric-Extension

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, plus Mathematics or Physics

26. Agronomy

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture, and Physics or Mathematics

27. Animal Production and Science

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science, and Physics/Mathematics

28. Crop Production and Science

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture, and Mathematics or Physics

29. Soil Science

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, plus Mathematics or Physics

30. Veterinary Science

English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

31. Forestry

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture, and Physics or Mathematics

32. Civil Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

33. Chemical Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

34. Computer Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

35. Electrical Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

36. Electronic Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

37. Marine Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

38. Mechanical Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

39. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

40. Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

41. Systems Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

42. Structural Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

43. Production and Industrial Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

44. Architecture

English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, or Economics

45. Quantity Surveying

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, or Economics

46. Urban and Regional Planning

English, Mathematics, Geography, and one of Economics, Physics, or Chemistry

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47. Estate Management

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject

48. Anatomy

English, Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry or Physics

49. Dentistry

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology, and one Science subject

50. Medical Laboratory Science

English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

51. Medical Rehabilitation

Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

52. Physiology

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

53. Physiotherapy

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

54. Radiography

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

55. Veterinary Medicine

Use of English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

56. Biomedical Engineering

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology

57. Business Education

English, and any three of Literature, History, French, Geography/Physics, Economics, Mathematics

58. Educational Management

English, and any three of Literature, History, French, Geography/Physics, Economics, Mathematics

59. Educational Management and Policy

English, and any three of Literature, History, French, Geography/Physics, Economics, Mathematics

60. Education and Chemistry

English, Chemistry, and two other subjects from Physics, Biology, Mathematics

61. Education and Accountancy/Accounting

English Language, Mathematics, Economics, plus any Social Science subject

62. Vocational and Technical Education

English Language, your specialized subject, and Mathematics or Physics

63. Vocational Industrial Education

English Language, your specialized subject, and Mathematics or Physics

64. Computer Education

English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Commerce, plus one of Chemistry, Physics, or Biology

65. Education and Computer Science

English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Commerce, plus one of Chemistry, Physics, or Biology

66. Education and Integrated Science

English Language, and any three of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, or Agricultural Science

67. Education and Music

English Language, and any three of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, or Agricultural Science

68. Education and Yoruba

English Language, Yoruba, and any two subjects chosen from History, Literature in English, French, Christian Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Arabic, Geography, and Physics

69. Education and Igbo

English Language, Igbo, and any two subjects chosen from History, Literature in English, French, Christian Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Arabic, Geography, and Physics

70. Education and Mathematics

English Language, Mathematics, and any two of the following Science subjects: Physics, Chemistry, or Biology

71. Education and Efik/Ibibio

English Language, and any three Arts or Social Science subjects

72. Education and Biology

English Language, Biology, and two other subjects from Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics

73. Education and Economics

English Language, Economics, Mathematics, and one other subject from Geography, Physics, History, Government, or Literature in English

74. Business Education

English Language, Mathematics, Economics, plus one of Literature in English, History, Government, Geography, Chemistry, or Physics

75. Education and Political Science

English Language, Government or History, plus two other Arts or Social Sciences subjects

76. Education and Social Studies

English Language, and any three of Christian Religious Studies, Economics, Geography, Government, History, or Islamic Studies

77. Adult Education

English Language, Government or History, one Social Science subject, and any other subject

78. Agricultural Science Education

English Language, and any three subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Physics, Economics, Geography, or Mathematics

79. Education and English Language

English Language, Literature in English, one Art, and any other subject

80. Home Economics and Education

English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, and one other subject

81. Education and Islamic Studies

English Language, Islamic Studies or Arabic, and two other Social Science or Arts subjects

82. Education and French

English Language, French, plus two other Arts subjects

83. Education and Geography

English Language, Geography, plus two other Social Sciences or Arts subjects

84. Education and History

English Language, History, and any two other subjects chosen from Christian Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, Literature in English, French, Yoruba, Geography, Economics, Government, or Hausa

85. Education Physics

English Language, Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry, plus one other subject

86. Education Fine Art

English Language, Fine Arts, one other Arts subject, and any other subject

87. Education Fine and Applied Arts

English Language, Fine Arts, one other Arts subject, and any other subject

88. Education and Religious Studies

English Language, two Arts subjects including Religious Studies, and one other subject

89. Physical and Health Education

English Language, Biology, and any two relevant subjects

90. Physical Education

English Language, and three other relevant subjects

91. Health and Safety Education

English Language, Biology, and any two relevant subjects

92. Human Kinetics

English Language, and three other relevant subjects

93. Curriculum and Instruction Studies

English Language, and any three subjects chosen from Arts or Science

JAMB Subject Combinations for Social and Management Sciences (2024/2025):

1. Accountancy:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one Social Science subject.

2. Business Administration:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one Social Science subject.

3. Public Administration

Use of English, Government, Economics, and one other subject.

4. Banking and Finance:

Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject, and any other subject.

5. Economics:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French, or CRK/IRK.

6. Demography and Social Statistics:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics or Geography, and any other subject.

7. Geography:

Use of English, Geography, and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.

8. Library Science:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

9. Mass Communication:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

10. Sociology:

Use of English, three Social Science or Arts subjects.

11. Political Science:

Use of English, Government or History, plus two other Social Science or Arts subjects.

12. Philosophy:

Use of English, Government, and any other two subjects.

13. Psychology:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

14. Religious Studies:

Use of English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.

15. Social Works:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics or Geography, and any other subject.

16. Sociology and Anthropology:

Use of English, three Social Science or Arts subjects.

17. Industrial Relations:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other relevant subject.

18. Human Resources Management:

Use of English, Economics, Government, and any other relevant subject.

19. International Relations:

Use of English, Economics, Literature in English, and either Geography, Government, or History.

20. Business Management:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.

21. Cooperative and Rural Development:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.

22. Tourism:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other subject.

23. Marketing:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other relevant subject.

24. Insurance:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.

JAMB Subject Combinations for Arts (2024/2025):

1. Arabic and Islamic Studies:

Use of English, Arabic, and two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

2. Christian Religious Studies:

Use of English, two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge, and any other subject.

3. Fine and Applied Arts:

Use of English, Fine Art, and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.

4. Theatre Arts:

Use of English, Literature in English, and two other relevant subjects.

5. Linguistics:

Use of English, two relevant Arts subjects, and any other subject.

6. English and International Studies:

Use of English, Literature in English, Government or History, and any other Arts subject.

7. French:

Use of English, French, and any other two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

8. English Language:

Use of English, Literature in English, one other Arts subject, and another Arts or Social Science subject.

9. Hausa:

Use of English, Hausa, Literature in English, and any of Economics, Government, History, or Arabic.

10. History and International Studies:

Use of English, History or Government, and any other two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

11. Islamic Studies:

Use of English, Islamic Religious Studies, and two other Arts subjects.

12. Igbo:

Use of English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.

13. Mass Communication:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

14. Music:

Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject, and any other subject.

15. Philosophy:

Use of English and any three subjects.

16. Religious Studies:

Use of English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.

17. Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo:

Use of English, the respective language (Yoruba, Hausa, or Igbo), and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.

18. Anthropology:

Use of English, any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English, or French.

19. Criminology and Security Studies:

Use of English, Economics, Government, and one of History, Geography, Literature in English, French, IRK, or Hausa.

20. Law:

Use of English, Literature in English, Christian Religion Studies and Government or any other Arts subject.

21. Civil Law:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

22. Islamic/Sharia Law:

Use of English and any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.

Remember, some institution can have a different subject combination for some few courses here, you are advised to check the institution official website to get such information, some institution will transfer you to the department/Course your JAMB subject combination can accept, so Campus Informant wish you good luck in your admission pursuit.

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